The Local Choice (TLC) health benefits program was created by the General Assembly in 1989 and has been providing health coverage to local jurisdictions since 1990. A total of seven health plans are included as options for local government employees under TLC. These include five self-insured statewide medical plans, one of which is a high deductible health plan.
There are also two fully-insured regional HMO plans offered, one by Kaiser Permanente in Northern Virginia, Washington, D.C., and parts of Maryland. As of July, 2020, we added a regional HMO plan option offered by Sentara Health Vantage HMO Program (formerly Optima) to localities in the Greater Hampton Roads or Eastern Shore region.
Key Advantage Plans: (for active participants and retirees not eligible for Medicare)
High Deductible Health Plan: (for active participants and retirees not eligible for Medicare)
Medicare Supplement Plans: (Only for retirees and dependents eligible for Medicare, if offered)
Medicare Supplement plans do not cover outpatient prescriptions
Currently local governments and school systems may select from five self-insured plans. While the plans provide similar benefits, the amount the employee pays out of pocket differs by plan.
Employers with 15 to 99 eligible employees may offer any two plans
Employers with 100 or more eligible employees may offer two Key Advantage plans, the High Deductible Health Plan and / or a regional plan.
As of July 1, 2020, two fully-insured regional plans are offered.